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I teach 8th Grade History and I love to teach kids. I am going into my 3rd year as a teacher. At the moment I am working towards my masters in instructional technology.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Facebook use idea

Since most of our students are familiar with facebook and the formatting it would be a great idea to capitalize on that. I read an article on a blog I follow History Tech about how to use it to do research about people. If we do a print screen copy and paste to a profile and then block out the information and pictures to replace it with our own information (like with info about Abe Lincoln). This could be a way to encourage our kids. My only issue is how to publish it so that they can edit the page to add things but not change what is already there (like moving the boxes that hide the information). Any ideas please comment! On the blog I found this on he also mentioned using it for twitter as a discussion piece for classes but I am not familiar enough with twitter to grasp that one! :)

1 comment:

  1. Jessica,

    Thanks for spending time at History Tech! I've discovered that a lot of teachers are experimenting with using Facebook and Twitter templates to engage their kids.

    To answer your question about how to "publish" - my first attempt was to simply print the template out and the kids used pen or pencil. I then realized that you can give students the template in Word or PDF format and they can add their own text boxes into the blank areas.

    They can then type whatever they want into those boxes to create a unique Facebook page. Find more description of the process here:

    and here:

    Thanks again for the mention! Feel free to email:



    or visit:

